( production base : the longrun group has been building a great undertaking with a genius hand : it built large , modern , standardized and individual factories and workshops in yun county , lancang and ning county , baoshan 加工环节:龙润茶业集团以标准化,规范化的要求生产普洱茶产品,从茶青采摘到仓库储放均有明确的工序和要求。
But our hearts are filled with love because there are others who support us and nurture us with their own love . peace is a great undertaking , but we can simply spread peace by first spreading love 但是我知道,我们的心充满爱,是因为这一路不停有人用他们的爱来浇灌它,让我们有机会学习爱,有勇气用自己的爱帮助别人,让我们发现,勇气这么一件大事,就是把你从别人那里得来的爱再传递出去。
This was a great undertaking for one pair of hands , yet as i saw there was an absolute necessity of doing it , my first piece of work was to find out a proper piece of ground , viz . where there was likely to be herbage for them to eat , water for them to drink , and cover to keep them from the sun 这对于只有双手空拳的我,的确是一项巨大工程,但我知道它是绝对必要的,而我的第一件工作就是要找到一块合适的地方,也就是说,那里最好有青草给它们吃,有水给它们喝,有地方给它们躲太阳。